The search for personal loans with bad credit can be a very frustrating one, particularly when approaching traditional lenders, like banks. Often, banks are just not willing to take on the apparent risk of lending to bad credit borrowers without charging high interest rates and adding a series of fees and penalties.
This is the last thing that a borrower with a low credit score needs to deal with, but there are ways around this hurdle. Even at a time when bankruptcy, foreclosures and delayed payments have all become commonplace, lenders are willing to lend. And with the right preparation done, and the right boxes ticked, fast loan approval might even be secured.
But what are the options open to bad credit borrowers, and is there really any way to ensure a set of competitive terms is secured that make a personal loan affordable? The simple answer is: yes.
The Best Options Available
Like so many loan products, there are specific terms and conditions that affect the suitability of a loan to a particular applicant. It might sound fanciful, but everyone has the potential to get personal loans with bad credit ratings hanging over their head. It is simply a matter of convincing the lender that repayments will be received on time.
To achieve this, it is necessary to provide all of the information required on the application form, and satisfy all of the basic criteria. A credit score is not as important an influence in the process, the underlining factor in getting fast loan approval is affordability.
Of course, it is true that personal loans are treated slightly differently to titled loans, like home loans or auto loans. This is down to the fact that the precise purpose of the loan is unknown, making it possible (even if unlikely) that the funds be squandered. An auto loan is used only to purchase a car, with the car serving as security if repayments are not made.
Establishing Affordability
The secret to convincing a lender that a loan is affordable comes down to two separate issues. The first is that the applicant has a large enough income to cover the repayments. For example, there is no point in a person earning just ,000 per month seeking a ,000 personal loan with bad credit. The repayments will clearly be too much.
The second issue is the debt-to-income ratio. This relates to how much income is left over after all existing monthly expenses and debts are paid. Lenders have set a ratio of 40:60, which means no more than 40% of income can be used to repay loans. If the new loan is well within the 40% mark, then fast loan approval may be possible.
Once it is proven that the repayments on a personal loan are affordable, lenders have very little reason to reject the application. So, the secret to securing approval is to make sure the debt-to-income ratio is below 40:60.
Improving the Ratio
So, how can the debt-to-income ratio be kept below the 40% mark? Even if the existing ratio is close to the limit, it is possible to lower it and make room for a new personal loan with bad credit. This is done by clearing some of the existing debts with a series of small payday loans. These loans come with fast loan approval, and might amount to just 0, but this can be used to clear a credit card balance or update loan repayments that had fallen behind.
After a few of these loans, the result is that the total amount of existing debt is lowered, thereby making sufficient room to accommodate a new personal loan and stay within the 40% limit. Once this is done, then the chances of getting your loan approval becomes extremely likely.
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